Thursday, February 16, 2012

Agro-ecological Regions of India


Another classification that is relevant in understanding the cropping patterns and agricultural practices of the country is that based on the ecological features of different regions. This classification also takes into account the period for which crops can be grown naturally in the region. The classification is given below:

Arid Ecosystem 

1. Western Himalayas, cold arid ecoregion, with shallow skeletal soils & length of Growing Period (GP) <90 days

2. Western Plain, Kachchh and part of Kathiawar Peninsula , hot arid ecoregion, with desert & saline soils & GP <90 days

3. Deccan Plateau, hot arid ecoregion, with Red & Black soils & GP <90 days 

Semiarid Ecosystem 

4. Northern Plain and Central Highlands including Aravallis, hot semi-arid ecoregion, with Alluvium derived soils & GP 90-150 days 

5. Central (Malwa) Highlands, Gujarat Plains & Kathiawar Peninsula , hot semi-arid ecoregion, with medium & deep Black soils & GP 90-150 days 

6. Deccan Plateau, hot semi-arid ecoregion with shallow and medium (with inclusion of deep) Black soils & GP 90-150 days 

7. Deccan (Telangana) Plateau and Eastern Ghats , hot semi-arid ecoregion, with Red & Black soils & GP 90-150 days 

8. Eastern Ghats , TN uplands and Deccan (Karnataka) Plateau, hot semi-arid ecoregion with Red loamy soils & GP 90-150 days 

Subhumid Ecosystem 

9. Northern Plain, hot subhumid (dry) ecoregion, with Alluvium-derived soils & GP 150- 180 days 

10. Central Highlands (Malwa, Bundelkhand & Satputra), hot subhumid ecoregion, with Black and Red Soils & GP 150-180 (to 210) days 

11. Eastern Plateau (Chhatisgarh), hot subhumid ecoregion, with Red & Yellow soils, & GP 150-180 days 

12. Eastern (Chhotanagpur) Plateau and Eastern Ghats , hot subhumid ecoregion, with Red & Lateritic soils & GP 150-180 (to 210) days 

13. Eastern Plain, hot subhumid (moist) ecoregion, with Alluvium-derived soils & GP 180 - 210 days 

14. Western Himalayas, warm subhumid (to humid with inclusion of perhumid ecoregion with Brown forest and Podzolic soils, & GP 180-210 + days 

Humid-Perhumid Ecosystem 

15. Bengal and Assam Plain, hot subhumid (moist) to humid (inclusion of perhumid) ecoregion, with Alluvium-derived soils & GP 210 + days 

16. Eastern Himalayas , warm perhumid ecoregion, with Brown and Red hill soils, & GP 210 + days 

17. North-eastern Hills (Purvachal), warm perhumid ecoregion, with Red and Lateritic soils & GP 210 + days . Coastal Ecosystem 

18. Eastern Coastal Plain, hot subhumid to semi-arid ecoregion, with Coastal Alluvium- derived soils & GP 90-210 + days 

19. Western Ghats & Coastal Plain, hot humid perhumid ecoregion, with Red, Lateritic and Alluvium- derived soils and GP 219 + days 

Island Ecosystem 

20. Islands of Andaman-Nicobar and Lakshadweeo hot humid to perhumid island ecoregion, with Red loamy and Sandy soils and GP 210+ days 

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